How to choose a LGBTQIA+ Wedding Photographer in Texas

HI! Im Jess and I am so glad that you made it here on this side of the internet which is my wedding photography website! I am a Houston Texas Wedding Photographer and I love helping my clients and couples find the best resources for one of their most memorable days in their lives: their wedding.

One thing I have learned as a photographer and a client when searching for a vendor for a special occasion is that it’s very hard to find vendors who authentically care for your well being AND your story instead of looking at you as just dollar signs to grow their business or to make you their token queer couple for Instagram.

I recently had the struggle of finding a photographer for my one year anniversary and let me tell you the way photographers show up on IG is NOT REAL and you should carefully study them to make sure that they truly are inclusive and BELIEVE that you as a queer folk deserve the same rights as cis-hetero couples.

Here are some tips when you are on the hunt for your photographer, while you check out their websites…. ask your self these questions:

  1. Do they ask for your pronouns on the contact form?

2. Do they show queer folk couples they captured on their website?

3. Do they speak up about equality anywhere on social media?

4. Do they have a easy identifiable message on their home page that they support LGBTQIA+ couples?

5. Do they have it in their bio on social media?

6. Do they have gender inclusive language? What is their language around discussing their couples? Are they using Bride and Groom all over their website and contact form? RED FLAG – exit the page and do not contact them.

Now, I am not saying that you HAVE to hire a queer vendor only, because the truth is there are some amazing inclusive photographers who are not queer and are amazing allies.

HOWEVER, most vendors will say that they are inclusive JUST to make a quick buck. So if you a re feeling pressured and off about a vendor its probably best to move on and find some one you really click with because you are going to spend a lot of time with your photographer so its very important that you get a good vibe from them and it just feels easy to communicate your concerns and be able to have fun with them.

Me and my partner Trish

It’s so important to cover all of your bases but I know it can be exhausting as a queer person just trying to find a vendor who cares about who I am and who my partner is and most importantly who we are together.

So try apply these questions toward ANY wedding vendor you are hiring because at then end of the day you deserve to be supported, heard and seen.

As a queer person it feels kinda crazy we still have to jump through hoops to be seen or heard and Im here to tell you finding a photographer doesn’t have to be hard if you are here on my page, I am a queer Houston Texas wedding photographer and I not only resonate with all of these things but I can put all of those fears and anxieties to rest when you hire my team and I to document your day or any chapter of life. If I am booked I have a list of inclusive photographers AND other vendors I can share with you to get you started on your booking process for your wedding vendors.

Feel free to message me & ask any questions you need help with, there are no hoops for you to jump through here, just my open arms for hugs. We know what matters and are here to help you along the way.

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